On Craigslist, the jobless and desperate plead for work

“Hungry” is the headline on a Craigslist post from Phoenix. In Boise: “I NEED WORK!!!” In Chicago: “Laid off vet needs to pay rent.” In Little Rock: “Please help us!!!” In Richmond, Va.: “Need a miracle.” In Oklahoma City: “Broke girl needs help fast.”

Craigslist, a network of online communities that offers free classified advertisements, is a portal into the misery of people who are struggling to find jobs. Posts from people who are desperate for work read like Haiku poems that detail hard times and fear.

Some people post sad tales that might or might not be true, and ask for cash donations or loans. Most, though, offer to do almost anything legal for pay. Need Ikea furniture assembled? The going rate is $20-$40. Need your garage organized? That will set you back as little as $10 an hour. Jobless people offer rides across town or to the airport. They’ll tend to aging parents, repair cars or replace kitchen faucets.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, --Social Networking, Blogging & the Internet, Economy, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market

One comment on “On Craigslist, the jobless and desperate plead for work

  1. Scatcatpdx says:

    Still its nice to seen some are trying to do somthing other than protesting Wall Street. I am tired of all the blaming the banks and the rich, like that goign help me find a job. I will be in the same boat soon Unemplyment pay only $222 a week and bills are arround 700, not much for food. I need more.
    I got a tuck in Portland, need Computer instlled Xp driver problems, Comcast router set up I know Linksys and DD-WRT, Ebay help